A Word About Sisters


August 29, 2008

Exactly ten hours from now, I'll be at the starting line of my sixth half marathon. If my training is any indication, the thoughts wondering in my head throughout the run will be about running this distance after having swam over a mile and biked 56 miles. I can't tell you how excited I am to be starting this adventure will you all!

Although our measurable goal will be training for and completing a half Ironman, I am equally excited about the not-so-measurable stuff...like being a part of a team and truly supporting one another. Like knowing someone else understands how frustrating it is to run when your blood sugar is 400, or to have to eat some sugar for a low after you brushed your teeth, or what the pain of an super long sensor needle feels like going into the wrong part of your arm (this happened to me this morning).
Like I mentioned in my team bio, I grew up with three older brothers. The XY chromosome apparently runs rampant in my extended family too; I had 2 girl cousins to 12 boys. For as long as I can remember, I wished I had a sister - older, younger, I would take whatever I could get. To me, having a sister represented someone really knowing me and being there as a witness to both my triumphs and my struggles. It only took me about the last ten years (literally) to be able to come up with the last sentence. "Sister" is a very loaded word for me.

Certain things in my life just feel right...friends I've met, various teachers and jobs, attending Diabetes Training Camp, and now the Team WILD tri team. I am sometimes overwhelmed but mostly I'm excited when I read your blogs and have a "Me Too!" reaction.

I'm sure I have more I could say and will say over time, but I need to go to bed. I have a race to run in 9 hours and 23 minutes!

What next?

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