

December 21, 2008
Karen R.

I tried to think of something creative to write for my blog this time and this is the best I could come up with. I've taken time since the half marathon two weeks ago to rest and recover (and eat and shop) and have not made working out a priority so am calling this time a break. Once the holidays pass and things are less crazy, I'm sure I'll get back into a routine. I have managed to get reacquainted with my bike and have learned that I need to remember to reconnect the front brake after removing and replacing the front wheel. When riding my bike to work, I'm able to get two 30-minute rides done in a day, and as I'm trying to get home before dark, I tend to work harder on the second ride. Of course, I always think I'm making good time until another bicyclist passes me. When that happened last week, I tried to rationalize it by saying I like to time the lights so I don't have to stop and that I was carrying two panniers worth of stuff on a mountain bike. Not sure how far that gets me, but it made me feel better. I can't rationalize the other man that passed me as I was pedaling as fast as I could (to make a light); it was almost as though I was standing still, watching the distance between us increase. Couldn't have drafted off him if I'd wanted to. I've got a lot to work on in the new year.

Happy holidays all!

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