Local Shout Outs and Thank Yous
4 commentsOctober 13, 2009
By the time race day arrives it will be more than 15 months since I made the commitment to do a Half Iron Man Triathlon. People ask “How do you handle life with a challenging condition like type 1 diabetes?” My response, “It takes a village” and I am fortunate to have supportive friends, family and coworkers in my life.
As an athlete (that’s right, I said it!!) with type 1 diabetes, “Kathleen’s Village” has expanded greatly to include many more loving, caring, supportive, dedicated friends, neighbors, coworkers, family, coaches and even strangers.To my Steady Freddies Antoinette, Liv and Martha: Thank you for letting me come to your homes empty handed and plop on your couch while you cook me dinner and serve me wine. Thank you for understanding every time I canceled plans b/c I was too tired from training. Thank you for recognizing how hard this has been for me and telling me that I am an inspiration!
To Dave (Martha’s husband): Thanks for being my biggest cheerleader and lending me your truck so I could do the Santa Cruz Olympic Tri.
To Kari, my longest friend in SF: Thank you calling me back after I called you in complete tears my first night at track. Thank you for telling me that I WILL “get” the “athletic” lingo and not feel like a complete idiot each and every week. Thank you for taking my calls each and every week thereafter to hear all about my new fancy words and that I’ve run a half mile further or ran 10 seconds faster.
To Nicole & Tony: Thank you for opening your home to me the night before my very first sprint triathlon and for driving me over at the crack of dawn. Thank you for being a riding partner, teaching me road etiquette and how to clip in and out of the clipless pedals without falling over, breaking a leg or getting hit by a car. Thank you for your support during a very challenging time for you.
To Colette, my coworker and now dear friend: Thank you for helping ME develop numerous diabetes strategies over the last 15 months. Thank you for letting ME talk about ME so much. Thank you for running with ME at MY pace so I could feel successful. Thank you for being a giving, accepting, supportive and non judgmental person.
To my amazing boss and coworkers Steve, Veronica, Jeanne, Kathy, Mary, and Nicole: Thank you for your genuine interest in my athletic endeavors. Ok, what I really mean to say is: Thank you stopping what you were doing at your desk to listen to me talk about my latest athletic achievement and my various diabetes challenges and successes. Thank you for making me feel that life really does revolve around me.To Becca, my diabetes “Lil’ Sister”: Thank you for joining me on this journey that started in March 2008 at the Diabetes Training Camp . You have been and continue to be there with me every stroke, every mile, every step of the way, especially when I cross the finish line on 10/25!
To Vicky Morse, my new friend from the Golden Gate Triathlon Club (www.ggtc.org ): Thank you for your encouraging words my first night at track, “Every journey starts with the first step”.
To Sergio Ruiz, my strength trainer (www.sfbodymatrix.com): Thank you for your commitment to help me achieve my goals even though I was cursing you under my breath during every squat, lunge, jump rope, push up and dozens of other exercises that I will never remember the names for.
To Neil Fraser (no relation), my local triathlon coach (www.trimorefitness.com): Thank you for knowing when to push me hard and when to tell others to leave me be while I’m dealing with diabetes stuff. Thanks for always “checking in” and having my back. Thank you for acknowledging my challenges b/c only then could I overcome them. Thank you for believing in me b/c only then could I start believing in myself.
To Fran Vogel, my parents oldest and dearest friend: Thank you for taking me to San Anselmo to that very specific athletic store so I could purchase the new “no blister” sneakers. I will be wearing them on race day and thinking of you!To my sister Patti: Thank you for coming to Texas!! I knew I could count on you! I so wish Mommy and Daddy were here!!
I wish I could personally thank everyone b/c there are so many others that have made a difference and inspired me and supported me over the last year. Each person had a role in my success and I would not be where I am today without those mentioned above and countless others, including my fellow WILD Women and our amazing athletic coaches and medical team.
Lastly, I’d like to thank Cat Stevens, the singer, for his Greatest Hits Album. When I say I listened to it on every run, I mean EVERY run, the same album, each and every time I ran, I ran with you!
My favorite song which I find so very appropriate for this time in my life:
“WILD World”
Now when people ask me “How do you live your best Diabetes Life?”
I say: “It takes a WILD World”
Go Team WILD!!!!!!!
October 14, 2009 at 8:38 AM
Hey Kath. Looking forward to seeing you at the finish line on 10/25. And you & I already know: Mommy & Daddy will be there that day ! I love you. Patti
October 14, 2009 at 3:40 PM
YOU GO, GIRL! Thanks for the thanks ... we'll be thinking 'bout you all the time that weekend.
Martha & Dave
October 14, 2009 at 5:59 PM
Yo Kathleen!
I am always here for you, as I know you will and have(many a times) for me! I will always cherish those days you hung back with me as I shuffled out Tennessee Valley road for my walks after my bike crash, and being my driver to and from appointments, and co-pilot with my mom during the epic road trip from Redding!...The list can go on!
Looking forward to dinner and packing your bike tonight!
See you soon!
October 17, 2009 at 10:35 AM
hi kathy, it was great to talk w/you this morning at the MATC pool. i'd like to hear more about the pump! I hope you do well in Texas!! send me an email with the race details, so i can check it out. your new diabetic friend, Jay my email-jay_otis@yahoo.com