Lessons Learned on the Trail...
0 commentsOctober 20, 2009
Karyn B.So, this past August I went to a women’s bicycle maintenance clinic at a local bike. They gave us a couple of glasses of wine and then proceeded to show us how to change a tire…. Something that I had NEVER done! All of the sudden, it turned into a contest – I won! I did the fastest tire change (even after that wine)! I felt very confident and cool…. Until……
Yup! Not just a tube flat but a tire BLOW OUT at mile 55 of a 62 mile ride! I got to practice my skills (I put a folded dollar bill between the new tube and the busted tire!) on the trail/road. I made it back with no problems other than going REALLY slowly…
This weekend I did one training ride although with tapering it hardly felt like anything at all. I got about 1.5 miles from my house and saw a guy walking his bicycle down the sidewalk in his bike shorts and bike shoes (no helmet). Of course, I stopped to help! I asked if I could help and he said that it was just a flat… I offered my spare tube and we (as in, I) got to work! He had a tube in his tire that was folded over a few times because it was WAY TOO large for his rim. Hmmm…. He looked very uncomfortable while I got to work and changed that tire and got him back on the road. He said ‘Thanks, how do I repay you?’…. I thought of all kinds of clever responses….
‘Learn how to change a tire and get yourself some tools!’
‘Don’t worry about it, Team WILD is here for ya!’
‘Just tell people the diabetic girl that’s about to do a ½ Ironman helped you out’
‘Help the next person that you see that needs help. In a car, on a motorcycle, bicycle, walking, needing change, etc. Just help them.’
I continued on my route and he started walking his bike down the sidewalk again…. I rode out a few miles and turned around to head back home (same route) and saw him about 3 miles from where I had left him with a giant smile on his face (and riding the bike this time)! And I was off to the bike store for another tube and more CO2….
That flat clinic in Texas? I’ll be there…. Never hurts to practice!
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