I am not a DIABETIC


September 2, 2009

I am a person with diabetes (PWD).
While all medical textbooks may say “diabetic” and “disease”, I never say “diabetic” or “disease”. NEVER. I suffer from a chronic condition, diabetes. I don’t want to be labeled as “Diseased”. Ick! That sounds just awful, doesn’t it?

I am a woman, now an athlete, a friend, a sister, a colleague, a native New Yorker, an American and all of those people has diabetes. When you say the “diabetic child”, inevitably it will get shortened to the “diabetic” and the child is somehow lost. Folks will tell you that they use the term “diabetic” for the sake of brevity. Why?
Obviously diabetes is a huge part of my life and defines me in many ways like all of my other life experiences but I am NOT the disease and do not want to be labeled as such.

It’s a pet peeve of mine and I think many in the community are split down the middle. I also think there are others that have been using the label “Diabetic” for so long that they never really thought about it any other way.
Well, here’s some food for thought (free food, no carbs, no insulin needed!). Why don’t these conditions, and so many other, have labels?

Hypertensiac: Person with hypertension
Hammer-toic: Person who suffers from hammer toes
Heart Attacker: Person who has experienced a heart attack
Rheumatoid Arthritic: Person with rheumatoid arthritis
Canceric: Person who suffers from cancer.

Ones I like:
Cancer Survivor: It’s so obvious that the focus is on Survivor and not the Cancer. As it should be.
WILD Women: Women Inspiring Life with Diabetes. The focus is on Life!

Join me fellow WILD Women in continuing to inspire a rich and full Life.

What next?

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1 comments: to “ I am not a DIABETIC

  • September 17, 2009 at 10:53 PM  

    Amen!! My son has diabetes and I don't call him a diabetic for your exact reasons. I can be explaining to someone that he has diabetes and they respond with how many other diabetics they know or something else they know about "diabetics". He just started at a new school and in the health office is a 3-ring binder with the word "DIABETICS" written down the spine. I think I'll ask the nurse to change that to "DIABETES LOG" or something like that. Thank you for your post. It helps me to think that maybe I'm not just an overprotective mother! Well, I might be that too, but at least there are others that feel the way I do! I'm enjoying reading this blog and am inspired by all of you!