My List...


January 15, 2010
Sarah W.

After the race in October I took a break. At first it was a much-needed break after the long months of training leading up to the race, but then it became a forced break. I ended up having a gastroparesis attack a week after the race and was in the hospital for a week. After I was released it took me a while to build back up my strength to start exercising again. But during that time I realized how much I actually LOVE exercise because of the long list of things that it does for me. Here is what I have come up with so far:

1. Better blood sugars (this is a BIG one- my insulin needs went way up when I wasn’t exercising)
2. Better mood, happier
3. Better sleep
4. Feel like you’re a part of something (ie WILD!)
5. Way to hang out with good friends
6. Way to meet new people
7. Way to try new things
8. Feeling of accomplishment
9. Good feeling about myself in general
10. More energy
11. Can eat treats without guilt
12. Less gastroparesis attacks
13. Way to push yourself, see how far you can go
14. Accomplishing goals
15. Inspire my friends and family

And I’m sure I could come up with 20 more. My point is that this team and discovering the benefits of exercise has changed my life I would never want to live any other way. So add to my list or join a team and make your own…you won’t regret it!

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